- See one way for Solving flywheel with hanging mass (this is the worked solution) (2 minutes)
- See a system of masses using work and friction (2 minutes)
- See a system of masses using dynamics (3.5 minutes)
- Watch solution to problem Barbell Spinning in Space
Some more study resources:
- From last spring’s class: MT#2 + extra problem, MT#2 Solutions, MT#2 help on #1, #5
- I found 5 old review questions and solutions kicking around.
- From Fall 2016: MT#2, with two more (underlined) questions for greater practice MT#2 Solutions
- Want to see more? Just go to the shared curriculum website and see the old exams.
- Keep in mind two things:
- The curriculum has changed, so MT#2 from classes before Fall 2016 may be of limited value… or you will be surprised to see material we haven’t covered and won’t be on your MT #2.
- Our MT#2 may be a little different from Fall 2016 in that I may ask you to discuss some questions without solving them.
- Keep in mind two things:
During Class
- Discussion, demos, preparation
Tuesday, Midterm #2
Solutions for PS#7 posted on main class website.
The midterm will cover everything we’ve done up until now. The material since MT#1 will be focused on. However, of course everything from before will be necessary to understand the more recent material.
Wednesday: 2D mechanics (no trig).
We have done linear mechanics in a straight line and rotational mechanics. Now we will introduce components, angles, and trigonometry and spend the last three weeks reviewing the same curriculum with the inclusion of angles. This is a great opportunity to improve conceptual knowledge.
Before class
- Do the MT#2 in fine form. The exam is posted on the main website along with some intended to be helpful hints. Please do all 6 problems and the extra questions I added to a few.
- PS#8 has been posted, please take a look. as soon as possible I may make a few minor changes/additions.
- Notes for final exam – don’t let your formula sheet get any longer. As we add a few (very few) new formulas, you will want to drop others that are obvious to you now.
- Watch Intro Video to 2 Dimensions (3.8 minutes)
- See the video on estimating vector components (1.5 minutes)
- See the video on 2D Components of Force (8.5 minutes)
- See 2-D kinematics (3.5 minutes) Also see cool HS Website
- Watch this famous music video… how did they make that video? I mean, do you love it? You’ve seen it already, right?
- Read 7.0 in your textbook.
I’m offering a special service to help prepare for the final exam that didn’t get full credit on a MT#2 question. I think it is important that each person understand exactly what it is that they need to writing in order to receive full credit for each question. Talking to someone who got the question right may be a good start, but I think it’s crucially important that each of us go through actions of the correct answer in order to confirm clear expectations of what constitutes a correct answer. If you want I will “grade” your corrections for each problem that you want me to in order to make sure you got it right. What I request is that you decide which questions you want me to grade. Then you do the problem as if you were handing it in on an exam. Of course you will not benefit if you copy someone else’s work. After you understand what you did wrong and how to do each problem correctly, please sit down and do the problem with only a formula sheet. Then staple the problems together and submit them to me. You don’t need to include the original MT#2. Next Monday please give me these separately from handing in the problem set. I’ll “grade” them and hand them back Tuesday, so we will get a better idea of how to successfully complete a physics problem.
In Class**
- Review Midterm #2 – Exam Returned
- Practice Components
- Hand in project #1 in final form
- See the video on 2D work (5 minutes)
- See video on 2D momentum transfer (6.5 minutes)
- Please read 7.1 in your textbook
- Finish MT#2 corrections with PS #8
In Class
- Talk about projects – Project proposal due by next Tuesday.
After Class