141 Fall 2019 Week 0

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We will introduce ourselves and the learning model for this class. We will then introduce the general concepts of the class.
The Codes:
Green is the color or your Goal: What should you know by the end of this day?
Video Links are in Blue, but turn to purple after you see them.
Red is important

Know how the class is run differently from traditional classes and the resources students have available.
Know how your final grade will be determined.
Visit my office sometime this week or next week and say “HI” and consider how nice the 6th floor of Baker Science is to gather in groups. 

Before Thursday’s Class:

  1. Please get connected with PlayPosit by watching the videos below. When you hit the link, the video will ask you for your Email and a password and have you enroll in the website for the Fall 2019 class With Pete Schwartz. It’s free. You need to do this to get credit for video watching (a large portion of your grade). Please record  your password somewhere when you do this, so we don’t have to go through the difficult process of retrieval.
  2. Watch the video about our unique way of learning physics: How we are learning physics 
  3.  Read the syllabus (link on main website), know how you are graded.
  4. See this video about the syllabus
  5.  Reading: Chapter 1.0 Introduction in the textbook (link on main class website).
  6. Do you know how you learn? Most people think they do, but their beliefs don’t match study’s results! Please see for yourself by taking this short quiz on NPR.
  7. View “Four Concepts” video, 4 kinds of physics questions 
  8. Please have a look at Home Work #1 (HW), posted on main class website, due next week Monday.
  9. Help me determine office hours by selecting your preferences here, of when you think you will want to come to my office. Please ignore it if you don’t think you’ll visit office hours.

During Class
We will introduce ourselves. Be prepared to provide your name, major, something you’re passionate about, and something about you and physics.
We will spend a short time discussing the videos. How is this learning format going to work for you?

Your responsibility in this class is to develop working relationships with other students. Our class is a social environment, and we will work together solving problems, arguing about concepts, studying for exams and doing projects. Because I won’t always be there in front of you, you will need to work with your peers, and you will also need to take the initiative to say, “Pete, we all have a question.” Lastly, you don’t need to wait until office hours to get together for study or group, and the working area outside my office is always there.

After Class
HW #1 is due Monday in class. You will notice that it draws on some reading due Monday, so reading the material for Monday’s class will be helpful for finishing the HW.