Day 1:
Before Class
- Please fill out surveys:
- Watch this video: PS#9, Q1 and treatment of CM
- (optional) Review these videos. Statics, and the Rotational Big Picture mechanics video paying particular attention to torque and change in angular momentum
- Watch this video: Spinning Skater What are the forces on a skater’s arms when she is spinning very fast?
- I’ve posted PS#11 due this Thursday in class.
In Class
- Collect PS#10. I added an additional question (#4) reflecting our activity from day 2 on Week 10.
- Angular momentum and Gyroscopic stability. We have some cool demos for this.
- Why must we spin frisbees or footballs to make them fly stable? What is counter steering on a motorcycle?
- How is this related to precession?
After Class
Day 2: I posted solutions to PS#10
Before Class
- Please fill out surveys:
- Solving flywheel with hanging mass This is the solution to PS#10, Question #4, so make sure you attempt the question first. This video is from last quarter so the problem number is different.
- See a video from your classmates regarding trebuchet.
- Also see this from BurningMan
In Class:
- Your Final (Big) Exam! More practice.
After Class
Day 3: This maybe updated until 10:00 AM Tuesday
Before Class
- Solve problem #2 in problem set 11.
- See video from your colleagues on momentum cannon
- See video on Calculating Coefficient of Friction
In Class:
- Bring your bike to class day!
Day 4: This maybe updated until 10:00 AM Wednesday
Before Class
- Do Problem #1 on PS#11
- Bicycle Transmission, this is from last quarter, so the number of the problem is different
Day 5: This maybe updated until 10:00 AM Thursday
Please fill out surveys:
- About the interesting way we’re learning physics
- For the Physics Department
- Solving the Ladder Problem, this is from last quarter, so the number of the problem is different
- See Firehose Video