Oscillations, Optics, Thermal, SUSTAIN Spring 2015

Physics 122/132, meets
Monday 1 – 2 PM in the SUSTAIN room, 38-121,
Tuesday and Thursday 1-2 PM in 180-262, and
Wednesday 3-6 PM (laboratory) in 180-269.
Final Exam: See bottom of timeline below.

Pete Schwartz, Cal Poly Physics, Pete’s Classes, Pete’s Webpage: pschwart@calpoly.edu, 756-1220, 180-608
Office hours: M(10:10, 3:10), T(2:10), W(1:10), Th(12:10)
Liz Schlemer, Cal Poly Industrial Manufacturing Engineering, Liz’s Webpage, lschleme@calpoly.edu, 756-2183, 192-228
Linda Vanasupa, Cal Poly Materials Engineering, Linda’s Webpage, lvanasup@calpoly.edu,756-1537, 41-226
The Syllabus explains the class policies.
Teaching “flipped”, “parallel”, open-online text, and mixed 121 and 141. if you were not in our mechanics class winter 2015, please see video explaining How we are learning physics for the previous mechanics class. This class will be similar, although we don’t yet have plans to learn the concepts simultaneously as we did in mechanics.

Please see: the SUSTAIN S15 projects website where you can post your project, and the Project Description so you know how to do your project.
Problem Sets: PS#1, PS#1_Solutions, PS#2, PS#3, PS#4, PS#4 Solutions, PS#5, PS#5 Solutions, PS#6, PS#6_Solutions, PS6_Q4,5,6_solutions, PS#7, PS7_Solutions, Final Thermal worksheet, Final Thermal Worksheet Solutions, Gas Processes, Gas Processes Solutions
Exams: MT#1-S2012, Doppler_Shift_F15, Doppler_Shift Part e), Big Exam #1 Solutions, Big Exam #2 Solutions, Practice MT 1 122, Practice MT1 122 Solutions, MT 2, 132, Sp2012, MT1_132, MT1_Answers, Big Exam #3 was MT 2 from 2012, Big Exam 4 Answers, MT2 answers
Labs: 1-Pendulum, 2-Spring SHO, 3-Vibrating String, 4-standing sound waves, 5-diffraction, 6-Snell’s Law, 7-lenses, Thermometer, Calorimeter, adiabatic compression

More Practice: http://www.aplusphysics.com/courses/honors/honors_physics.html OpenStax Solutions Manual Refraction Slides from 4-27,
Response to Thursday Feedback: Wk 2, Wk 6, After Final Exam

Week page Topic / Chapters
Learning Objectives
Oscillations / 16.1-16.8 Lab: Pendulum
4 day
Traveling Waves
16.9 – 16.11
Lab: Mass-Spring
4 day
Super Position, Interference
17.1 – 17.7
Lab: Vibrating Strings
4 day
Wave Optics / 27.1 – 27.9
Midterm Tuesday
Lab: Resonance in Air Column
4 day
Geometric Optics / 25.1 – 25.7 Lab: Interference and Diffraction
4 day
Optical Instruments
26.1 – 26.6
Lab: Refraction
4 day
Macroscopic Matter /
11.1 – 12.3
Midterm Thursday
Lab: Lenses
4 day
Work, Heat 1st Law
13.1 – 13.6
Lab: Temperature and Thermometers
Gas Laws and Expansions
14.1 – 14.7
Lab Specific Heat and Latent Heat
4 day
Heat Engines, Refrigerators
15.1 – 15.7
Lab: Adiabatic Compression
Exam week Do it! 1 PM Tuesday in 180-262

As I try to improve the class, I am keeping Notes to Self