Peter V. Schwartz For more information, please see Scholarship CV, Abridged Scholarship CV, and my Nov. 1, 2016 application for promotion,
1) Educational Preparation:
- Postdoctoral Research Scientist: 1999 – 2000 Northwestern University
- Ph.D.: 1998 Surface Physics Princeton University
- MS: 1993 Plasma Physics Princeton University
- Teaching Credential Prep: 1989 SUNY, Buffalo
- BS Physics: 1986 MIT
2) Employment History:
- 2017-present Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, Physics Department, Full Professor
- 2007-2017 Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, Physics Department, Associate Professor
- 2006-2007 University of California at Berkeley Energy and Resources Group, Sabbatical study of Sustainability, Technology, and Policy
- 2003-2007 Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, Physics Department, Assistant Professor
- 2000-2003 Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, Physics Department, Lecturer
- 1999-2000 Northwestern University, Post Doctoral Research Scientist
- Summer 1998, 1999 Collaborative Research at Columbia University
- 1998-1999 Colorado College, Physics Department, Visiting Assistant Professor
- 1993-1998 Princeton Materials Institute, Princeton University, Ph.D. Graduate Student, Research and Teaching Assistant.
- 1991-1993 Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, Graduate Student, Research Assistant
- 1989-1991 Bakersfield High School, Bakersfield, California, Physics Teacher
- 1986-1989 United States Peace Corps, Fiji, South Pacific High School Science, Math Teacher; Science Head of Department
3) Teaching Related Activities
10 different Courses taught at Cal Poly since Spring 2007:
- PHYS141, General Physics I: F17, S17, F16, S16(2 classes), W16, F15, F14(2 classes), F12(2 classes), F11, W11, W10, F09, S09, S08
- PHYS131/121 joint SUSTAIN & class: W15, W13, W12
- PHYS132, General Physics II: S16 (lab only),F10 (lab only), S10 (2 lectures and labs)
- PHYS132/122, joint SUSTAIN & class: S15, S12
- PHYS122, General Physics II: F10 (lab only)
- PHYS133, General Physics III: F17 (lab only), S13 (lab only)
- PHYS211, Modern Physics I: F10, F07
- PHYS340, Quantum Lab: F15 (lab only), F08, F07
- PHYS341, Quantum Lab II: W15
- PSC320, Energy, Society, and the Environment (lecture and activity): W17, S15, S13, Summer12G, S12, Summer11G, W11, W10. W09. W08
- PHYS310, Physics of Energy: S17, S15, S13, S11, S09, Summer12G, Summer11G
- UNIV391, Appropriate Technology for the World’s People: Development: F17, F16, F15, F14, F12, F11, F10, F09, F08, W08, F07 (unofficial class)
- UNIV392, Appropriate Technology for the World’s People (lecture and shop): Design: S17, W16, W15, W14, W13, Summer12G , W12, Summer11G, W11, W10, W09, S08
- CRP410, with Adrienne Greve. Community Planning Laboratory, “Climate Action Plan”: F10
& with the SUSTAIN Collaborative Learning Community Initiative
G: In Guatemala Summer 2011 and 2012 with the Guateca Study Abroad Appropriate Technology Collaboration
Colorado College: Advanced Mechanics, Electronics Laboratory, Energy and Society, Algebra based, and Calculus-based Introductory Physics
Princeton University: Intro to Materials (Teaching Assistant); Instructor for Leaders of camping trips
Bakersfield H. S.: College Prep, and Honors Physics, Geometry
Fiji (Peace Corps) Science Head Of Department, 11th and 12th grade Chemistry, Physics, Math; 9th grade Physical Science
- 2019 Cal Poly: Sustainability Faculty Champion
- 2016 Panhellenic Recognition
- 2016 Physics Department Sustainability Recognition
Contribution to the curriculum
- Fall 2014 – present. Developed and implementing “Parallel Pedagogy” open online curriculum for PHYS-141, Introductory Mechanics, where students learn concepts simultaneously. Results published in The Physics Teacher, indicate students learn to think more like experts. This curriculum is made publicly available with two textbooks, ~100 videos (with associated questions), tests, homework, and solutions, through my Parallel Pedagogy Support Website, an announcement in OpenStax, and an announcement in OERcommons.
- Fall 2014 – present. Developed “flipped classroom” instruction for PHYS-141, with ~100 instructional videos on YouTube.
- Fall 2016 – present. Authored a concise open, online textbook following the parallel pedagogy for Introductory Mechanics, PHYS-141.
- Fall 2014 – present. Introduction of two group projects for Introductory Mechanics, PHYS-141: one analyses data collected via students’ videos, one is a project of the students’ choice, producing a video, such as measuring the speed of a bullet two different ways.
- Winter 2016 – present. Physics Department Learning Assistants (LAs) collaborator. Extending LAs to PHYS-141 (three classes)
- Fall 2012 – present. Interdisciplinary Collaboration with Mechanical Engineering: Co-advising Mechanical Engineering students and Appropriate Technology class instruction.
- Spring 2012 – present. Developed open online “flipped” curriculum for Energy, Society, and the Environment (PSc-320, and PHYS-310), with ~50 videos (10 – 15 minutes) on YouTube. The curriculum (as for all my classes) is publicly available.
- 2016. Developed labs for PHYS-132 (waves, optics, thermal), whereby most of the instructions are removed leaving room for student mistakes, exploration, and discussion.
- SUSTAIN (2009 – 2015). Developed the SUSTAIN Initiative with an interdepartmental team of professors, students, and community volunteers. SUSTAIN is an interdisciplinary, activity-based, community coordinated curriculum for 100 freshmen from all departments for winter and spring quarters. I taught: 2012, PHYS-141/121, PHYS-132/122; Winter 2013, PHYS-141/121; 2015, PHYS-141/121, PHYS-132/122.
- Fall 2011. Initiated activity-based learning in PHYS 141.
- 2010 – 2012. Designed (with students and partner community, San Pablo, Tacaná, Guatemala) and directed “Guateca” a 2-month collaborative, appropriate technology summer school in San Pablo. Three trips to San Pablo with a total of 37 Cal Poly students and approximately the same number of Guatemalan students.
- 2008-2012. With the Academic Senate Sustainability Committee, design of university wide learning, freshmen experience objectives, and development of curriculum for sustainability minors.
- 2007. Introduced two “Appropriate Technology” classes (UNIV-391, UNIV-392) for collaborative development with the global poor.
- 2006 Designed curriculum to prepare students for future study or employment in nanotechnology.
- 2005 Helped develop MATEX230/BIOX232 Nanotechnology, Biology, Ethics and Society
- 2000 – 2006 Developed course materials for classes, lower division laboratories, and Quantum Lab. Introduced “conference style” presentations for Quantum Lab, PHYS-340, 341, and 342, such as this electron q/m ratio from 2007.
Undergraduate Research and Senior Projects: 48 since 2000, 32 since 2007. Three Masters Thesis
- 2023: 3 senior projects: two on Insulated Solar Electric Cooking, one on building with mycelium.
- 2022: 7 senior projects and a masters thesis on Insulated Solar Electric Cooking
- 2021: 4 senior projects: 1 on Parallel Pedagogy, Physics Education Research. 3 on Insulated Solar Electric Cooking – 1 of which is a ME group senior project.
- 2020: 3 senior projects: 3 on Insulated Solar Electric Cooking
- 2019: 5 senior projects: Three are ME group senior projects related to Insulated Solar Electric Cooking and Solar Electric Cooling. Two are related to solar electric cooking. Three weeks spent in Ghana with four research students, founding a company to produce solar electric cooking, summarized in this video.
- 2018: 1 senior project (on energy policy), considerable student research in developing diode heating, working with many research students and a Malawi NGO.
- 2017: 4 senior projects in Energy Efficiency, Insulation, and Direct Consumption of Photovoltaic Electricity for Cooking and Ice Production. 17 students and 3 professors.
- 2016: 4 senior projects in Direct Consumption of Photovoltaic Electricity: Summer Research: 18 students, 4 professors and 4 companies work together to study alternative photovoltaic implementation, 4 students go to Uganda with AidAfrica to implement PV stoves.
- 2015: 2 senior projects: 1 in ME (solar concentrators), 1 in Physics Education Research, Summer Research: 3 students (ME, EE, and ME grad student) develop Photovoltaic Cooking
- 2014: 0 senior project: Summer Research: 3 Physics majors and 3 ME majors: alternative solar concentrator with inexpensive tracking
- 2013: 3 senior projects and 1 ME masters thesis: thermal storage capacity for improved solar concentrator
- 2012: 0 senior projects: 3 physics majors and 6 other students develop inexpensive solar concentrator
- 2011: 2 senior projects: 1 Life Cycle Analysis, 1 Thermal Modeling
- 2010: 3 senior projects: 3 Urban Solar Concentrators
- 2009: 2 senior projects: 1 Solar Concentrators, 1 Electric Car Analysis
- 2008: 4 senior projects: 1 Electric Car Analysis, 2 energy modeling, 1 Nanotechnology
- 2006: 2 senior projects: 1 AFM-based lithography; 1 biological surfaces
- 2005: 8 senior projects: 4 DNA guided self-assembly; 2 AFM-based lithography; 2 molecular surface order
- 2004: 5 senior projects: 2 DNA guided self assembly; 3 AFM-based lithography
- 2003: 1 senior project: AFM based lithography, 1 masters thesis: Plasma Physics
- 2002: 1 senior project: DNA guided self-assembly
Senior Projects / Thesis, unless otherwise stated, student is a physics major. Masters thesis: student also has primary advisor in their own department.
- Ryan Koshy and Justin Tae-Hoon Kim, Power Controller for Insulated Solar Electric Cooker, Summer 2024
- Stefan Avramov, Optimizing Solid Thermal Storage in Insulated Solar Electric Cookers, Summer 2023
- Orion Barar, Flash Cooking: Phase Change Thermal Storage with Solar Salt, Spring 2023.
- Noah Brown, Building Structures from Mycelium, Spring 2023
- Martin Osei, Masters Thesis at Eastern Illinois University, Development of Phase Change Thermal Storage Medium: Cooking with More Power and Versatility, Spring, 2022
- Eric Cortez, Dominick Trageser, Andrew McCombs, Nami Suzuki, Insulated Solar Electric Cooker with Solid Thermal Storage, June 2022
- Weijun Zhao, Owen Chu, Jake Lung, Sarah Melzer, Insulated Solar Electric Cooker with Phase Change Materials, June 2022
- Elsa Micklin, Xylitol as a Phase Change Material: Exploring the Replacement of Erythritol by Xylitol As A Phase Change Materials, May 2023
- Sid Gamoji, Thermal Degradation of Phase Change Material , June 2022
- Solid Thermal Storage as an Energy Storage Device in Insulated Solar Electric Cookers: Thermal Modeling and Experiment, Senior project, physics, Michael Fernandez, June 2022
- Andrew Shephard and Katarina Brekalo, Developing Positive Thermal Coefficient (PTC) Heaters for Solar Electric Cooking, Sept 2022
- Andrew Perez, An Inexpensive Maximum Power Point Tracking System for an Insulated Solar Electric Cooker using an Off-the-Shelf Buck Converter, June 2022
- Jordan Lam, Electronic Control of an Insulated Solar Electric Cooker, June 2022
- Owen Staveland, Causal Statements Improve Concept Application, June 2021, resulting in publication:
Pedagogy Changes Can Improve Concept Application, Owen Staveland*, Pete Schwartz, The Physics Teacher, accepted 7/23/2021 to be published in early 2022. - Marcorios Bekheit, Direct Drive Solar Panel Control Circuit, July 2021
- Jack Crofton, Insulation and Structural Support for Solar Electric Cooking, June 2021.
- Simon Ford, Sachin Gokhale, Brendan Lynn, Richard Nguyen, Consumer-Ready Insulated Solar Electric Cooker, June 2021.
- Matthew Walker, Corrosion Prevention, June 2020
- Liam Cox, Characterization of BYV10X 600P Diode as an ISEC Heat Source, June 2020
- Nick Adams, Thermal Destruction of Diodes, April 2020
- Justin Unger, Nate Christler, Marcus Strutz, Matthew Weeman, Insulated Solar Electric Cooker with Thermal Storage, June 2019
- Brady Banks, Emily Burnside, Kaeley Dicks, Josh Stevens, ISEC Immersion Heater, June 2019
- Ben Larson, Cooper Gibson, Cody Volk, Eilbron Younan, Vaccine Cooler for the Global Poor, June 2019 (coadvised with Nathan Heston)
- Zachary Shockley, Rental Property Energy Efficiency in San Luis Obispo, March 2018
- Madison Fleming (IT), Insulated Solar Electric Cookstove Design and Implementation Report, December 2017
- Tyler Batchelder (ME), Luke Holmes (ME), Jonathan Lo (ME), Solar Ice, December 2017
- Spencer Davis (ME), Amanda Gyokery (ME), Kyle Smit (ME), Thermal Storage for an Insulated Solar Electric Cooker, December 2017
- Evan Drake, Investigation of Peltier Devices for Refrigeration, July 2017
- Garrett O’Neill, Processing, Controlling, and Recording of Energy Flows with an Arduino, December 2016
- Omar Arriaga (EE), Chris O’Day (ME), Tyler Watkins (ME), Photovoltaic Cooking in Developing Countries, December 2016
- Jeff Reeves (ME), Pablo Arroyo (ME), Sam Beasley (ME), Photovoltaic Cooker for Camping, December 2016
- Alex Little, Direct Consumption of Photovoltaic Electricity in a Direct Current Water Heater, June 2016
- Devin Mast (ME) and Ian Davidson (ME), Heliostat-Concentrator Solar Cooker, 2015
- Adam LeFaive, Physics141, Novel Teaching Concepts, 2015
- Taylor Frostholm, Constructing and Testing a Thermal Storage Device, 2014
- Josh Fernandes, Modeling a Thermal Storage Device, 2013
- Mike Kim, An Inexpensive Solar Concentrator for Developing Nations, 2013
- Simo Alberti(Master’s Thesis, ME), Constructing a Reflective Dish for a Solar Concentrator, 2013
- Kyle Reynolds, Guateca: A Carbon Footprint Viability Analysis, 2011
- Tim Hider, Python Modeling of Heat Flow In a Thermal Storage Device, (coadvised with Brian Granger), 2011
- Jason Rapp, Construction and Improvement of a Scheffler Reflector and Thermal Storage Device, 2010
- Kyle Clark, Financial Analysis of Urban Concentrated Solar Electricity Generation, 2010
- Trevor Davis, Design and Construction of Thermal Storage for Concentrated Solar for Cooking, 2010
- Steve Rogers, Solar Concentrator Designs, 2009
- Matthew Werber, Comparison of Life Cycle Costs: Gasoline Engines Versus Electric Motors, 2009
- John Ross, Automobile Environmental Impact Comparison: Biofuels Versus Solar Electric, 2008
- Michael Fisher, Comparison of Effective Energy: Gasoline Engines Versus Electric Motors, 2008
- Robert Lawson, Life Cycle Analysis of Primary Energy Sources, Technology Substitution, 2008
- Amber Bowen, Extension of Past 3 Summers’ Research in Self Assembly, 2008
- Grant Gallagher, Thermodynamic and Structural Behavior of the Milk Fat Globule Membrane, 2006
- Gregory Tucker, Surface Tethered DNA Provides a Template for Subsequent Positioning of Nanostructures, 2006
- Tim Arlen, Measuring the Temperature Dependence of 2-D Vapor Pressure of Dodecane on a Au(111) Surface, 2005
- Josh West, Identifying the Surface Debye Temperature of a Self Assembled Monolayer, 2005
- Matt Leyden, ESEM Observation of a Water Meniscus and Dependence on Surface Condition, 2005
- Daniel Hansen, Quantifying DNA Coverage on a Microsphere Surface, 2005
- Steve Vanderet, Melting temperature dependence in DNA Derivatized Microspheres, 2005
- Carl Bauer, Annealing of DNA Derivatized Microspheres, 2005
- Phil Rogers, DNA Assembly of Microspheres, 2005
- Jamie Romnes, Investigation of Molecular Displacement in a Self Assembled Monolayer with an AFM tip, 2004
- Erik Peterson CHEM, The Effect of Environmental Conditions on Dip-Pen Nanolithography of Mercaptohexadecanoic Acid, 2004
- Ivan Hromada, Direct observation of the water meniscus between an Atomic Force Microscope Tip and Substrate Using Scanning Electron Microscopy, 2004
- James Kwok On Lau, MATE, Quantification of DNA Coverage Density and Hybridization Efficiency of Fluorescence-Labeled Oligonucleotides on Polystyrene Latex Microspheres, 2004
- Jackson Crews, Directed Self-Assembly of Polystyrene Micro-Particles through DNA Linkage: Constructing a Template for a Full Photonic Bandgap Crystal, 2004
- Cheuk H. Tang, MATE, The Role of Water during Dip-Pen Nanolithography: Effects of Relative Humidity and Time on Water Meniscus Formation, 2003
- Kristina K. Jameson (Masters Thesis in Aero Eng), Development and Testing of a 13 cm XIPS Thruster (2003)
- Bradly Roberts, MATE, Directed Self Assembly of Polystyrene Microsphere Structures through DNA Hybridization, 2002
4) Scholarship (asterisk * indicates Cal Poly Student) Unless otherwise stated, I supervised the research and writing.
a. Peer-Reviewed Publications:
- Pedagogy Changes Can Improve Concept Application, Owen Staveland*, Pete Schwartz, The Physics Teacher, in press, anticipated publication, January, 2021
- Phase change thermal storage: Cooking with more power and versatility Martin Osei, Owen Staveland*, Sean McGowan*, Justin Brett Unger*, Nathan Robert Christler*, Matthew Weeman*, Marcus Edward Strutz*, Matthew Walker*, Megan Belle Maun*, Nicolas C. Dunning*, Marcorios M. Bekheit*, Jon Christian Papa Abraham*, Liam Cox*, Grace Gius*, Olivia Hansel*, Emmanuel Osei Amoafo, Nichole Hugo, Pete Schwartz, J. Solar Energy, 220, 2021, 1065-1073,
- Hot Diodes!: Dirt Cheap Cooking and Electricity for the Global Poor? Grace Gius*, Matthew Walker*, Andre Li*, Nicholas Adams*, R. Van Buskirk, P. Schwartz, Development Engineering, 4 (2019) 100044
- Insulated Solar Electric Cooking – Tomorrow’s Healthy Affordable Stoves?, T. Watkins*, P. Arroyo*, R. Perry*, R. Wang*, O. Arriaga*, M. Fleming*, C. O’Day*, I. Stone*, J. Sekerak*, D. Mast*, N. Hayes*, P. Keller, P. Schwartz, Development Engineering 2 (2017) 47–52. See associated video
- Focusing on Concepts by Covering Them Simultaneously, P. Schwartz, The Physics Teacher, 55, 280 (2017); free .pdf
- Concentrating sunlight from an immobile primary mirror: ray-tracing results S. C. Rogers*, C. Barickman*, G. Chavoor*, M. Kinni*, N. Glazar*, P. V. Schwartz, J. Solar Energy, 86, 2012, 132-138.
- Batteries: Lower cost than gasoline? M. Werber*, M. Fischer*, P. V. Schwartz, Journal of Energy Policy, 2009, 37, 2465-2468.
- Batteries: Higher energy density than gasoline? M. Fischer*, M. Werber*, P. V. Schwartz, Journal of Energy Policy, 2009, 37, 2639-2641.
- 2D Islanding of Dodecane on an Au(111) Surface: An Investigation Using He beam Reflectivity and Monte Carlo Modeling T. Arlen*, C. Webster, P. Schwartz J. Chem. Phys, A, 2007; 111(49); 12717. Data collected at Princeton. Modeling was done at Cal Poly by physics major Arlen.
- Controllable and Reversible Aggregation of DNA Derivatized Polystyrene Latex Microspheres P. H. Rogers*, E. Michel, C. A. Bauer*, S. Vanderet*, D. Hansen*, B. K. Roberts*, A. Calvez*, J. B. Crews*, K. O. Lau*, A. Wood*, D. J. Pine, P. V. Schwartz Langmuir, 2005 21, 5562. Cal Poly students at Cal Poly did the experimental work. I supervised the project and writing, although significant guidance and organization was also provided by collaborator Dave Pine and his post-doc Eric Michel.
- The Effect of Environmental Conditions on Dip-Pen Nanolithography of Mercaptohexadecanoic Acid E. Peterson*, B.L. Weeks, J.J. De Yoreo, P.V. Schwartz, J Phys. Chem. 2004; 108(39); 15206. Data were collected by Erik Peterson* (Chem) and myself at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in collaboration with Weeks and De Yoreo. I advised the project and paper writing.
- Overlayers of Long Chain Organic Molecules Physisorbed on the Surface of Self-Assembled Monolayers of Alkylthiols on Au(111) P.V. Schwartz, D.J. Lavrich, G. Scoles Langmuir, 2003, 19, 4969. The data were collected at Princeton by myself, and is a chapter in my PhD thesis. Final writing took place at Cal Poly.
- Molecular Transport From an AFM tip: a Comparative Study of Dip-Pen Nanolithography P.V. Schwartz, Langmuir, 2002, 18, 4041. Data collected at Northwestern, but analysis and writing took place at Cal Poly.
- Meniscus Force Nanografting: Nanoscopic Patterning of DNA P.V. Schwartz, Langmuir, 2001, 17, 5971 Data collected at Northwestern University. The significant effort to publish took place at Cal Poly. The struggle against PI Chad Mirkin to publish was widely covered, including Locally, Science Magazine, Nature Magazine, and C&EN News, producing considerable notoriety in the fields of nanotech and surface science.
Princeton University (Graduate Study)
- Structure and Growth of 4-Methyl-4’-mercaptobiphenyl Monolayers on Au(111): A Surface Diffraction Study T.Y.B. Leung, P. Schwartz, G. Scoles, F. Schreiber, and A. Ulman, Surface Science 2000, 458, 34-52, I am a significant contributor
- Growth Kinetics of Decane Thiol Monolayers Self-Assembled on Au(111) By Molecular Beam Deposition: An Atomic Beam Diffraction Study P. Schwartz, F. Schreiber, P. Eisenberger and G. Scoles, Surface Science 1999, 423, 208-224, I was the primary contributor.
- Adsorption Mechanisms, Structures and Growth Regimes of an Archetypal Self-Assembling System: Decanethiol on Au(111) F. Schreiber, A. Eberhardt, T.Y.B. Leung, P. Schwartz, S.M. Wetterer, D.J. Lavrich, L. Berman, P. Fenter, P. Eisenberger, G. Scoles, Phys. Rev. B. 1998, 57, 12476, I was a significant contributor
- Chain Length Dependence of the Striped Phases of Alkanethiol Monolayers Self‑Assembled on Au(111) An atomic beam diffraction study. N. Camillone III, T.Y.B. Leung, P. Schwartz, P. Eisenberger and G. Scoles. Langmuir 1996, 12, 2737-2746, I made minor contributions
- New Monolayer Phases of N-Alkane Thiols Self-Assembled on Au(111): Preparation, Surface Characterization and Imaging N. Camillone III, P. Eisenberger, T.Y.B. Leung, P. Schwartz, G. Scoles, G.E. Poirier and M.J. Tarlov. J. Chem Phys. 1994, 101, 11031, I participated as an early graduate student.
Book (Editing and Chapter Contribution)
- Driving to Net Zero, Stories of Hope for a Carbon-Free Future. Edited by David Hrivnak. I wrote chapter 8 about our house: Ten Years with a Bucket of Shit, and My Efforts to Live Consistent with My Values. This was Chapter 8 in Driving to Net Zero, Stories of Hope for a Carbon-Free Future, a book about environmentally progressive homes Edited by David Hrivnak, 2018
- What Does it Mean to Open Education? Perspectives on Using OER from the Field at a U. S. Public University, L. Vanasupa, A. Wiley, L. Schlemer, D. Ospina, P. Schwartz, D. Wilhelm, C. Waitinas, K. Hall; Chapter in P. Blessinger and T. J. Bliss (Eds), Open Education: International Perspectives in Higher Education, Cambridge, UK: OpenBook Publishers, Dec. 2016. I significantly contributed to the discussions and writing. Abstract. Complete book can be downloaded for free here.
- The Co-Created Guatemalan Field School: Carbon Reduction with Appropriate Technology, Peter V. Schwartz, invited talk and contributed chapter in Physics of Sustainable Energy, American Institute of Physics Press, College Park, MD, edited by D. Hafemeister, B. Levi, and P. Schwartz, 2011, I researched and wrote this chapter alone.
- Physics of Sustainable Energy, American Institute of Physics Press, College Park, MD, edited by D. Hafemeister, B. Levi, M. Levine, and P. Schwartz, 2011. Most of the editing was done by D. Hafemeister. I provided minor support.
- Physics of Sustainable Energy, American Institute of Physics Press, College Park, MD, edited by D. Hafemeister, B. Levi, M. Levine, and P. Schwartz, 2008. Most of the editing was done by D. Hafemeister. I provided minor support and was responsible for making the presentations accessible online.
White Papers (articles)
- Environmental Efficiency of Automobile Energy Choices, C. Kam, J. Ross, P. Schwartz, 2016 Cal Poly Digital Commons
- Redirecting Sunlight with Polar Tracking in Developing Countries and Elsewhere, S. Alberti, T. Murphy, P. Schwartz, 2014
- A Tutorial on the Basic Physics of Climate Change, D. Hafemeister, P. V. Schwartz, APS Forum on Physics and Society, 37, 3, p. 3, July 2008. I did a significant amount of the writing. D. Hafemeister did the calculations.
- I produced a report for Santa Barbara’s Community Environmental Council that guided their Renewable Energy Blueprint. Here is a copy of the document : Economic Analysis, P. V. Schwartz, May, 2007
- Low Greenhouse Gas Fuels for California Vehicles (Internal Study for California Air Resources Board), December, 2006
Educational Materials
- ~ 200 videos accessible from my YouTube Channel
- Introductory Mechanics, Energy Technologies and Society, Permaculture, and Bicycle advocacy
- 530 subscribers and 207,000 views as of Nov. 2019.
- Introductory Mechanics Textbook following Parallel Pedagogy (see publications).
- Growth Kinetics of Decane Thiol Monolayers Self-Assembled on Au (111) by Molecular Beam Deposition: An Atomic Beam Diffraction Study P. Schwartz Ph.D. Thesis, Princeton University, 1998
- A Remotely Controllable Poloidally Scanning Soft X-ray Detector P. Schwartz, B.Sc. Thesis. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1986
b. Presentations since 2006 I give talks regarding Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Development Efforts, Appropriate Technology between one and four times each month locally for community groups and as guest lecture in other classes on campus. These are not listed.
Selected Contributed External Presentations (* indicates student. Boldface is Presenter) unless otherwise stated, I am the only presenter
- Oct. 2, 3, 2021, Climate Solutions NOW! 3 Presentations:
- What Causes the Climate to Change?
- Where are we going? Possibilities for a Carbon-Free Energy Landscape
- Cooking: The Energy-Health Challenge for the Global Poor
- July 31, 2021, Parallel Pedagogy: 7 Years and 1000 Students Later, Pete Schwartz, Jennifer Klay, Owen Staveland*, Invited talk at the AAPT Virtual 2021 Summer Meeting, video
- June 10, 2021, Insulated Solar Electric Cooking with Thermal Storage, Engineers Without Borders, Sweden, video
- January, 2021, Global Learning Community for ISEC Development & Dissemination, ETHOS 2021 Grace Gius*, Olivia Hansel*
- January, 2021, Insulated Solar Electric Cooking: Progress for ETHOS 2021. video
- Oct. 4, 2020, Solar Electric Cooking: Starting Businesses with the Global Learning Community, International Physics Webinar (Virtual, Via FaceBook, Bangladesh) Flyer
- July, 2020, American Association of Physics Teachers, Virtual, Smooth Transition to Concept-Focused Mechanics, Covering Concepts in Parallel, Peter Schwartz, Jennifer Klay, Owen Staveland,* Dean Stocker, video
- July, 2019, American Association of Physics Teachers, Provo, Utah, Parallel Pedagogy: Teaching Mechanics Concepts Simultaneously, Owen Staveland,* D. Stoker, P. Schwartz
- Jan, 2019, ETHOS conference for improved cookstoves, Seattle, Insulated Solar-Electric Cooking, year IV: Progress in California, Uganda, Malawi, Grace Guis*, P. Schwartz Presentation Slides
- January, 2018, ETHOS conference for improved cookstoves, Seattle, Insulated Solar Electric Cooking: Third Year Update, P. Keller, P. Schwartz
- December 15, 2017, MIT Alumni Webinar: Innovations Behind the Meter: Energy Efficiency and Innovations in the Home and Workplace.
- October, 2017, American Solar Energy Society meeting, Denver, Co, Insulated Solar Electric Cooking: Tomorrow’s Clean, Affordable, Replacement for Burning Biomass.
- October, 2017, American Solar Energy Society meeting, Denver, Co, My House: Innovations in our Domestic Environment
- Jan, 2017, ETHOS conference for improved cookstoves, Seattle, Insulated Solar-Electric Cooking and Preliminary Implementation of Prototypes in Uganda, P. Keller, P. Schwartz
- Oct. 5, 2016, Cal Poly Appropriate Technology Projects for SLO Green Building Alliance
- July 20, 2016, AAPT Physics Teachers Conference, Sacramento, Focussing on Concepts by Covering them Simultaneously? Abstract
- March 24, 2016, “Good Morning SLO” address to the SLO Chamber of Commerce on the future of Solar Electricity
- April 19, 2016, UC Santa Barbara Service Learning Class, Appropriate Technology and Efforts at Cal Poly
- Jan 31, 2016, ETHOS conference for improved cookstoves, Seattle, Wa, Solar Electric Cooking Coming Soon?, P. Schwartz, D. Mast,* N. Hayes*, J. Sekerak* see presentation slides
- July, 18, 2015 Regional Conference, Solar Cookers International; Sacramento, Ca, Photovoltaic Solar Cooking, P. Schwartz, D. Mast,* J. Sekerak*, N. Hayes* See video
- July, 18, 2015 Regional Conference, Solar Cookers International; Sacramento, California, “Dual Mirror, Parabolic Cookers”, D. Mast,* J. Sekerak*, P. Schwartz. See video
- July, 18, 2015 Regional Conference, Solar Cookers International; Sacramento, California, “Standardized Testing and Consumer Review”, J. Sekerak*, D. Mast,* P. Schwartz. See video
- July 15, 2015 Permaculture Design Course invited talk, Casitas Family Farm, Santa Barbara, California, “Permaculture Practice inside of Mainstream Society”
- Aug. 1, 2014 Permaculture Design Course invited talk, Casitas Family Farm, Santa Barabara, California, “Permaculture Practice inside of Mainstream Society”
- July 18, 2014 International Conference, Solar Cookers International; Sacramento, California, “Building the Scheffler Concentrators at Cal Poly”
- June 25 – July 8, 2013 Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic guest instructor for Practivistas collaborative appropriate technology summer field school.
- May 5, 2014, Mini Maker Faire, our solar concentrators are covered by the Tribune
- April 27, 2014, Cal Poly Earth Day Solar Concentrator Demonstration T. Murphy, P. Schwartz.
- March, 2014 four-class course “Dealing with Climate Change” for Life Long Learners on the Central Coast for about 50 people, P. Schwartz, D.Hafemeister, R. Weymann, D. Camp, S. Hurt, J. Lindsey, L. Pitelka, off campus at PG&E by Diablo Canyon
- Nov. 2, 2012 California APS invited talk, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, CA, “Energy, Sustainability, Collaboration: Learning it, Teaching it, and Living it – At Cal Poly, in Guatemala, and at Home”
- Aug. 31, 2012 Universidad, San Carlos, Guatemala City, Guatemala, “Appropriate Technology, and Guateca, the collaborative summer program in San Pablo,… and you”
- January 23, 2014, Cal Poly Veritas Forum for Faith, Science, Altruism, I presented the atheist perspective to ~1000 people from Cal Poly’s community
- June 18 – July 1, 2012 Quail Springs Permaculture Community co-instructor for a two-week permaculture design workshop, specializing in solar power and holistic residential renovation
- Nov. 7, 2011 Sonoma State University Physics Department and Public Lecture, “What Physicists Do”
- Sept. 1, 2011 CIDATA Appropriate Technology Implementation Station, San Carlos University, Guatemala City, Guatemala, .Appropriate Technology at Cal Poly
- March 5, 2011 UC, Berkeley, invited talk (American Physical Society) Physics of Sustainable Energy Workshop. The Co-Created Guatemalan Field School: Carbon Reduction with Appropriate Technology
- Feb. 13, 2011 Cal Poly, Bioneers Invited Talk, for Bioneers Fundraising Dinner for Guateca, Guateca
- June 7, 2009 San Luis Obispo Eco Summit, Cayucos, Ca. Preparing for Solar Energy
- Feb. 27, 2009 Change the Status Quo presentation, Cal Poly, Transitioning to Renewable Energy
- Feb. 5, 2009 Focus the Nation presentation, Cal Poly Renewable energy and Appropriate Technology at Cal Poly
- Oct. 7, 2008 SLO Chamber’s Economic Development Committee Potential Collaboration Opportunities
- Nov. 25, 2008. Presentation Addressing the Organization of American States, Washington, DC: Cal Poly Appropriate Technology.
- Nov. 12, 2008. California Electric Fuel Implementation Workshop, UC Berkeley: The Moderate Range, Full Performance, BEV: High Energy Density and Low Life Cycle Costs, M. Werber*, M Fischer*, P. Schwartz
- Aug. 10, 2008. Concentrating sunlight from an immobile primary mirror: ray-tracing results, S. C. Rogers*, M. Kinni*, C. Barickman*, G. Chavoor*, N. Glazar*, P. Schwartz, 2008, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7059 70590A
- July 24, 2008. SLO Chamber “Good Morning SLO” Solar Energy Potential in SLO County
- June 17, 2008. SLO Chamber’s Economic Development Committee Carrizo Plane Solar Development
- May 29, 2008. Tri-county Energy Summit, Santa Barbara, Transition Opportunities to Renewable Energy
- May 18, 2008. San Luis Obispo Eco Summit, Cayucos, Ca. Preparing for Solar Energy
- April 25, 2008. Pecha Kucha presentation on Renewable Energy, Stynberg Gallery, SLO, Ca. Calculations and Choices
- Jan. 31, 2008. Focus the Nation presentation on climate change and renewable energy
- Aug. 16, 2007. Community Environmental Council, Santa Barbara, “Economic Analysis for Transition to Carbon Neutrality by 2033 for Santa Barbara County”
- June 21, 2007. Oil Independent Oakland Task Force, Oakland City Hall, Oakland, California, “Economic Analysis for Transition to Carbon Neutrality by 2033 for Santa Barbara County”
- May 24, 2007. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, “Economic Analysis for Transition to Carbon Neutrality by 2033 for Santa Barbara County”
Selected External Poster Presentations:
- July, 2019, American Association of Physics Teachers, Provo, Utah, Causal Statements Improve Concept Application, Owen Staveland,* S. Vokos, P. Schwartz
- November, 2017, C3E Women in Clean Energy Symposium, MIT, Cambridge, Ma, hosted by MIT and US Department of Energy. Madison Fleming*, Madeline Larkin*, Ian Stone*, P. Schwartz, Efficient Solar Electric Cookstoves for the Developing World. Awarded First Prize in Poster Presentations.
- October, 2017, American Solar Energy Society meeting, Denver, Co, Madison Fleming*, Madeline Larkin*, Ian Stone*, P. Schwartz, Efficient Solar Electric Cookstoves for the Developing World.
- October, 2017, American Solar Energy Society meeting, Denver, Co, Joshua Dimaggio*, Hunter Herrin,* P. Schwartz, Nathan Heston, Making Ice with Sunlight, Peltier Coolers and Passive Thermal Energy Storage.
- October, 2017, American Solar Energy Society meeting, Denver, Co, Adeel Ali*, Nick Crawford*, Tyler Batchelder*, Orion Zorich*, P. Schwartz, Nathan Heston, Using Photovoltaic Power in a Low-Cost Thermoelectric Cooling Refrigerator.
- October, 2017, American Solar Energy Society meeting, Denver, Co, P. Schwartz, Scavenging Free Electricity With Thermal Loads and Load Defecting with Direct DC.
- Mach 8, 2014. APS Workshop on Sustainable Energy, Berkeley, Ca, “Solar Concentration: Cheap, Simple, High Performance”, T. Murphy,* S. Albreti,* M. Roberts,* E. Johnston,* M. Kim,* D. Sholes,* N. Fuller,* J. Morgan,* A Davol, P. Schwartz
- April 3, 2012. WASC poster presentation in Kennedy Library. Representing Physics and COSAM, Mike Kim*, C. Fourt*, T. Frostholm*, J. Fernandes*, M. Lee*, J. Tower*, P. Schwartz: Optimizing a Solar Concentrator for Cooking and Combined Heat and Power
- April 10, 2009. 2nd Forum on Energy & Water Sustainability, UC Santa Barbara, “Mileage in Terms of Natural Capital: Consumption of our Land, Water, and Air”, J. B. Ross*, P. V. Schwartz
- Aug. 10, 2008, San Diego, SPIE Conference Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7059 70590A, “Concentrating sunlight from an immobile primary mirror: ray-tracing results”, S. C. Rogers*, M. Kinni*, C. Barickman*, G. Chavoor*, N. Glazar*, P. V. Schwartz
Selected Cal Poly and Local Presentations:
- CSU Student Research Competition Presentation for ISEC. Jon P. Christian Abraham*, Martin Osei*, Grace Gius*, Olivia Hansel*, Marcorios Bekheit*, Feb. 20, 2021
- Invited Speaker – EWB Winter Showcase, Jan. 25, 2020, “What is your Development Model?”
- Invited Speaker – Climate Action Rally, Cal Poly Dexter Lawn, Sept. 27, 2019. “Progressive Environmental Policy Increases Economic Vitality”
- Invited Plenary speaker for Cal Poly’s first Development Showcase. Feb. 20, 2018. Pete Schwartz “Appropriate Technology: Cal Poly, Local Applications, Abroad.
- COSAM conference, May 2017 Maddi Fleming*, Ian Stone*, C. O’Day*, P. Schwartz, Designing and Collaboratively Implementing Tomorrow’s Cook Stoves in Africa.
- COSAM conference, May 2017 O. Zorich*, E. Drake*, N. Heston, P. Schwartz, Solar Ice
- Redwood City Cañada College, Omar Arriaga*: How we spent this summer in Uganda deploying solar cook stoves!
- COSAM Conference, May 2016, Presentation: M Muscarella*, G. O’Neill*, W. Yeh*, A. Little*, P. Schwartz, Presentation “Electrical Priority Switchboard: Alternative Energy Management”
- COSAM Conference, May 2016, Poster: M Muscarella*, G. O’Neill*, W. Yeh*, A. Little*, P. Schwartz, Poster “Electrical Priority Switchboard: Alternative Energy Management”
- COSAM Conference May 2015, Poster: J. Sekerak,* E. Johnston,* S. Steeper,* S. Young,* C. Pedraza,* J. Tower,* I. Davidson,* D. Mast,* W. Pettyjohn,* D. Vaage,* D. Weiker,* A. Bardessono,* A. Davol, P. Schwartz, “Cal Poly Solar Concentrators: Construction, Computer Modeling, and Implementation”
- COSAM Conference, May 2014, Presentation: T. Murphy,* M. Roberts,* E. Johnston,* P. Schwartz, “Solar Concentrators: Cheap and High Performance”,
- COSAM Conference, May 2014, Poster: T. Murphy,* S. Alberti,* M. Roberts,* E. Johnston,* M. Kim,* D. Sholes,* N. Fuller,* J. Morgan,* A Davol, P. Schwartz, “Solar Concentration: Cheap, Simple, High Performance”,
- Power and Energy Conference (Cal Poly Electrical Engineering), May, 2012 presentation: P. Schwartz, Mike Kim*, C. Fourt*, T. Frostholm*, J. Fernandes*, M. Lee*, J. Tower*, “Optimizing a Solar Concentrator for Cooking and Combined Heat and Power”
- COSAM Conference, May 2012, Presentation: Mike Kim*, C. Fourt*, P. Schwartz, “Optimizing a Solar Concentrator for Cooking and Combined Heat and Power”
- COSAM Conference, May 2012 Poster: Mike Kim*, C. Fourt*, T. Frostholm*, J. Fernandes*, M. Lee*, J. Tower*, P. Schwartz: Optimizing a Solar Concentrator for Cooking and Combined Heat and Power
- COSAM Conference May 2010 Presentation: Jason Rapp*, C. Barickman*, P. Schwartz: Solar Cooking in the Developing World
- COSAM Conference May 2010 Presentation: ChiWeng Kam*, John Ross*. P. Schwartz: Environmental Efficiency of Automotive Technology
- COSAM Conference May 2009 Presentation: Trevor Davis*, P. Schwartz, “Thermal Storage and Reflector Design for a Solar-Powered Oven”
- COSAM Conference May 2009 Poster: M. Brito*, N. Parrish*, M. Bissonnette*, I. Painter*, A. Jiang*, C. Blattner*, T. Davis*, “Solar Cooking in Developing Countries”
- COSAM Conference May 2008 Presentation: S. Rogers*, N. Glazar*, P. Schwartz “Solar Concentrators”
- COSAM Conference May 2008 Presentation: R. Lawson*, P. Schwartz “Modeling energy demands to 2033″
- COSAM Conference May 2008 Presentation: M. Fischer*, M. Werber*, J. Ross*, P. Schwartz “Superior Performance, Cost, and Environmental Impact of Electric Travel”
- COSAM Conference May 2008 Poster: S. Rogers*, N. Glazar*, P. Schwartz “Solar Concentrators”
- COSAM Conference May 2008 Poster: M. Fischer*, M. Werber*, J. Ross*, P. Schwartz “Superior Performance, Cost, and Environmental Impact of Electric Travel”
c. Grants and Contracts:
External Grants
- MECS (Modern Energy Cooking Services), UKAid, Thermal Storage with Phase Change Materials, P. Schwartz, $40,000 (8/19 – 2/20)
- Aug. 2016 Contract grant to develop product from Rincon Vitova Insectiaries (coPI) $7,000
- Feb. 2016 CSU Promising Practices (PI), $10,600
- Sept 2011 Department of Energy, Solar Concentrator (PI) $20,000
- July 2011 California Energy Commission, PIER Efficiency Program, Solar Concentrator Facility (coPI) $397,785; Terminated early because of pullout of corporate partner. We returned about 70% of the grant money.
- Dec. 2010 Private Citizen: Donation to The Corporation for Guateca (PI) $10,000
- June 2005 Petroleum Research Fund (PI) $50,000
- Sept., 2002 Raytheon Research Support Grant. (PI) $20,000
Unsuccessful Grants (since 2006)
- 2017 Global Initiative Fund, PV Solar Cooking (PI) $50,000
- 2015 USAID, PV Solar Cooking (PI) $250,000
- 2015 First Solar Charitable Funds, PV Solar Cooking (PI) $20,000
- 2012 Department of Energy, Solar Concentrator (PI) $20,000
- 2012 Wells Fargo, Clean Technology (PI) $150,000
- 2011 Office of Naval Research Grant, C3RP project (PI) $40,080
- 2010 (Dec.) National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance, Course and Program Grant, Self-Reliant Economy through collaborative Appropriate Technology School System: Guateca (PI) $50,000
- 2010 (Oct.) National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance, Sustainable Visions Grant, Self-Reliant Economy through collaborative Appropriate Technology School System: Guateca (PI) $50,000
- 2010 (May) National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance, Course and Program Grant, Sustainable Development in Guatemala: Collaborative Outreach from Cal Poly Student Projects (PI) $50,000
- 2009 US Environmental Protection Agency Creating community-university experimental network of low-impact sites: A model for learning-by-doing (PI) $109,479
- 2008 CEC PIER Grant, Intermediate Scale Solar Thermal Electric for Deployment in Populated Areas (coPI) $95,000
- 2008 USAID, Concentrating Sunlight for Clean Power in Communities and Industrial Centers: Distributed Solar Thermal Electric with Heat for Water, Buildings, and Absorption Cooling (coPI) $1.6 million
- 2008 CEC PIER Grant, Intermediate Scale Solar Thermal Electric for Deployment in Populated Areas (coPI) $95,000
Internal Grants
- Summer 2019, Frost Summer Stipends (PI) $13,000
- Summer 2018, Frost Summer Stipends (PI) $16,000
- Summer 2017, Frost Summer Stipends (PI) $14,000
- Summer 2016, COSAM internal grant for PV solar research (PI) $15,000
- May 2016 CSU Research, Scholarly, and Creative Activities Grant (CoPI) $14,000, Open Proposal
- March 2016 Two Baker/Koob grants to send a total of four students to Uganda (Faculty Manger) $10,000: #1, #2
- Summer 2015, COSAM internal grant for development of PV solar cooking (PI) $5,000
- Summer 2014, COSAM internal grant for development of concentrated solar cooking (PI) $16,000
- October 2013, COSAM internal grant to purchase Solar Concentrator (PI) $4,000
- Summer 2013, COSAM internal grant for development of concentrated solar cooking (PI) $1,900
- Dec. 2010, COSAM internal grant to support student participation in development of Guatemala field school (PI) $2,500
- Sept. 2008 Office of Naval Research Grant, C3RP project (PI) $44,382
- Sept. 2008 Office of Naval Research, Grant, C3RP Honors (PI) $4,200
- Sept. 2007 Office of Naval Research Grant, C3RP project (PI) $37,130
- Jan. 2007 Office of Naval Research Grant, C3RP project (PI) $24,764
- June 2005 Office of Naval Research Grant, C3RP project (PI) $40,935
- April 2004 Office of Naval Research Grant, C3RP project (PI) $40,500
- June 2003 Cal Poly Instrumentation, AFM upgrade (coPI) $32,000 With Derek Gragson (Chemistry)
- Sept., 2003 Cal Poly Start Up Funding (PI) $14,000
- Oct., 2002 Office of Naval Research Grant, C3RP project (PI) $27,000
d. Consulting Activities:
- Public Consultant for Energy (2007 – present): I have been a renewable energy and sustainability advocate and consultant for the local community, Mayor Heidi Harmon, and greater California. Participation includes talks, technical support, publishing YouTube videos for energy-related material, and providing my house as a demonstration classroom for holistic renovation. Another example is a letter I wrote to our commissioners regarding oil trains, green innovation, and the California Economy.
- San Luis Obispo City Planning Committee Bicycle Advocate (2013 – present) Promote bicycle safe city development, write to the local paper, attend most city council, planning task force and advocacy meetings as San Luis Obispo updates the general plan for Land Use and Circulation Elements (LUCE).
- Bicycle advocacy includes partnership with San Luis Obispo Police Department whereby I alert the public and police with YouTube posting of videos representing threats to bicycle safety.
- SLO MakerSpace (2013 – present) Board member and Chief Sustainability Officer for the 3,500 ft2 community facility Benefit Corporation dedicated to technical creativity, community collaboration and education, opened January 2014. My primary role is to education and connection to Cal Poly students. Disclosure: I am a $10,000 stockholder as are most of the board members.
- SLO Mini Maker Faire (2013 – present) On the planning board representing SLO MakerSpace, San Luis Obispo Community, and Cal Poly.
- Permaculture Curriculum Development (2008 – present) I am supporting the building of an education program for holistic design making use of local resources including Quail Springs Permaculture Design Community (near Ojai, CA), Co-Regenerate or CORE (group of recent Cal Poly graduates), SLO Permaculture, SUSTAIN, and the SLO Permaculture Design Team. Participation includes attending meetings and classes, giving presentations, and opening my house as a demonstration site
- August 14, 2014, I organized and directed a three-day Permaculture kids camp taught by Cal Poly students at the Student Experimental Farm
- Solar Cookers International, Standardized Testing and Consumer Review (summer 2015), I advised two students (Graduate Student in Mechanical Engineering John Sekerak and Undergraduate in Mechanical Engineering, Devin Mast) in designing an international testing facility for solar cookers for Solar Cookers International.
Patent Applications:
- Add on water heater provisional, Provisional Patent 62394102, Filed Sept. 13, 2016, International Patent Application, filed Feb. 8, 2017. Abandonded
- New Electric Switch, Provisional Patent 62274346, Filed January 3, 2016
- Electrical Priority Switchboard, Provisional Patent 62217000, Filed Nov. 30 2015
- High Efficiency Low Power Cooking/Heating, Provisional Patent US 62/217,000, Filed September 10, 2015. Abandoned
- Improved Earth Anchor Method and Apparatus, Provisional Patent US 14/483,154, Filed September 11, 2014. Abandoned
- Redirecting Energy With Simplified Tracking, Provisional Patent 61892937, filed Oct 18, 2013. Abandoned
- Method and Apparatus for Securing a Child, Patent No. US 8,474,667 B2. PCT filed April 2009. Patent issued Jul 2, 2013, US6241136 B1 see video at:
- Solar Concentrator with Simplified Tracking, PCT filed June, 2008, abandoned, 2012 for lack of industrial interest
- Molecular Transport from an AFM Tip: a Quantitative Study of Dip-pen Nanolithography Filed June 4, 2001. Application No. 60/295,962. Published as US6737646 B2, patent has been allowed to expire.
- Meniscus Force Nanografting: a New Molecular Lithography; Nanoscopic Patterning of DNA Filed October 20, 2000 Application No. 60/243,168. PCT Application: Monday Oct 22, 2001: “Nanolithography Methods and Products Therefor and Produced Thereof”. US20040131843 A1 assigned May 2, 2011
5. Service
Physics Department
- Physics Sustainability Committee, Chair, 2017 – Present
- Physics Student Advisor: 2012-present. Advising physics majors
- Course and Curriculum Committee: 2012-2017
- Regularly support physics department open house activities
- April 2014, PHYS-121 Textbook Committee
- GRE Preparation: In 2000 when I came to Cal Poly, I initiated the GRE mentored study program. I continued it until I left for sabbatical in 2006.
- Dave Hafemeister “Physics and Society” talk organizer: Manage the Hafemeister endowment to host an annual lecture in the physics department and greater community. Embarrassingly, there has only been one talk due to difficulties in scheduling, endowment level due to economic downturn, and scarcity of people willing to travel to San Luis Obispo for $1000.
- Retention, Promotion, Tenure Revisions (Spring 2013) – organized the physics department to submit revisions to the COSAM Guidelines for RPT that included service to the community, or service that has positive environmental and societal effect outside of Cal Poly as well as inside of the university.
- Fall Conference – participated every year except when on sabbatical (2006, 2013)
- Faculty Equity Facilitator (2015 – present) – Provide communication between new and temporary faculty and Department Chair Bob Echols regarding concerns of vulnerable faculty who are reluctant to communicate directly.
Cal Poly
- Student Experimental Farm (SEF) Facilitator (2013 – 2019) – Supporting student activities at the farm. Consists of weekly meetings / work days with the SEF community. Provide connection between participants and Risk Management to ensure that all activities are allowed and supported.
- Sustainability advocate and consultant. (2007 – present) – Promote and support Cal Poly’s efforts to be a leader in sustainable practices, infrastructure and education. Activities include participation on design committees and presentations.
- SUSTAIN (2009 – 2013) – Representing the physics department and supporting the collaborative teaching and learning effort.
- Academic Senate Sustainability Committee (unofficial member – each department has only one representative and ours was Bob Echols, but I participated as well): 2007-2011
- COSAM RPT Revision (2013) – organized, and chaired a physics department meeting to revise the COSAM Guidelines to include societal and environmental contributions, and submitted the results to Dean Bailey
- University Communication. Since 2010, I have participated in community meetings dedicated to build resilience. During summer, I have hosted these meetings.
- More University Communication. I communicate faculty concerns to the administration in an effort to be authentic and inclusive. I’ve attend and participate with listening sessions, Union meetings, students and President Armstrong. I communicate my experiences on a website I established.
- I responded to a call from students to better understand the nature of the strike conflict and what their options were by establishing a dedicated website. I made this website known to my colleagues, many of whom expressed gratitude and made the website available to their students.
- 2016 quiet strike protest. I worked with a small faculty group to organize a silent protest, where faculty, students, administrations, and local people could meet during the proposed strike in order express solidarity with faculty while being open to discussion rather than the escalated confrontation that the union was preparing for the demonstration.
Representing Cal Poly to the wider community
- Through class projects, Cal Poly students have taught a 5 hour (over 5 weeks) to 10-15 Teach Elementary School children. Here is a story about one group.
- Developing Country Outreach: 2008-present. Through the appropriate technology classes, Guateca collaborative summer school (2010 – 2012), AidAfrica, and Beacon of Hope, we are building collaboration and shared technologies with developing countries.
- APS Energy Conference Planning: We (with Dave Hafemeister and two non-local physicists) planned and hosted a two-day workshop for the APS dedicated to renewable energy and efficiency, March 1-2, 2008, and then again March 5-6, 2011, at UC Berkeley. The workshop continued in 2014 under new leadership, but with our support. Our efforts also resulted in two books as indicated under publications.
- Journal Reviewing: After having reviewed more than 30 nanotechnology-related publications, I no longer review this subject. Since 2007, I have reviewed 6 papers related to energy conversion.
- Local Education: for instance co teaching a March, 2014 four-class course “Dealing with Climate Change” for Life Long Learners on the Central Coast, and hosting a June 7, 2014, “Global Warming, is it Here to Stay? Is Nuclear the Answer?” for San Luis Obispo Atheists United
- SLO MakerSpace: Founding Board Member of the shared technology resource facility and center for technology education, as well as founding board member of the SLO Maker Academy education-focused nonprofit. Responsibilities include energy use, sustainabiliy, liason with Cal Poly, Education, and General Operations.
- Many of my activities listed under consulting (d) could also be considered community service representing Cal Poly.
- Open-Source Curriculum. Between my YouTube channel, and my public website, I provide curriculum resources to the public. As of Nov. 1 2016, I have 127 subscribers, and ~87,000 videos watched. About half the views are from my students. Many of the others are from outside the US. The most popular is a relatively math-free analysis of an elastic collision by means of changing reference frames, with ~15,000 views.
- Practical Instruction. As part of the Maker movement, some of my videos are of practical value and I post them on , such as Straighten your Foundation Stem Wall for $100, or Open Your Skylight.
Community and Other Interests:
Outside interests include biology and the outdoors, sustainability and community building. I enjoy spending time with my family and sharing with my two children my fascination with cultures, energy and nature as well as my love of learning, movement, and community. My family shares in our experimentation of sustainability made public in this video, and actually, my Cal Poly research is more an outgrowth of our domestic sustainability efforts than the other way around. Languages spoken: Fijian, German, and Spanish.