Heat Flow, and Heat Engines Back to PHYS 310 Main Website
Monday’s Class : We study the Flow of Heat
Before Class
- Heat Flow: Please see this video (Heat Flow ) and follow with the slides (Heat Flow Slides)
- Please read 385-394
- Finish problem set #1 (on main class website)
- See the video of Calculating power of one student
- How about the power of one super athlete?
- Please see this video about Scaling
- Read through the projects and put your name and contact information by one or two projects that interest you most.
- If you haven’t already, please go to the self intervention page (link on main website) and read about the intervention that should have started Friday (but I forgot to talk about it) but can start now and last a week.
During Class
After Class
- Prepare for the Heat Engine Exercises for tomorrow (see below)
Wednesday: Heat Engines
Before Class
- Start 1st Self Intervention: Don’t Throw Anything Away for a week. Please collect and keep your refuse: garbage, recyclables, what’s left from takeout food, compost (you can separate the compost). After one week, please categorize everything as to where it will ideally go: compost, batteries and lightbulbs, plastic bags (go to super market special recycling), recyclable, and landfill. Take a picture and upload it to your computer. You can post it along with your narrative of what the process was like for you at the self intervention website (link on main class website).
- Heat Engines Video and Slides
- Smarter Every Day Internal Combustion Engines amazing slow motion coverage of a transparent ICE (internal combustion engine).
- See this video of Jet Engines for Rocket Scientists.
- please check out the website: Animated Engines that relates to the problem set due Monday.
- see this video: How I make a new Webpage
- Pleas read in NPR Carbon Capture vs. Renewable Energy?
- See PS #2 posted on main class website
- Read 375-379 about heat engines
During Class
- Check out Heat Engines
- Pick Projects
- Feedback
Before Class
- Hans Rosling: Poverty Statistics video
- Combustion with Slides (from Heat Engines Video)
- Read China Axes 100 Coal Power Plant
LA Lead Crime connection.png Also, please check out the graph at right from this article in the BBC connecting lead in fuel (and subsequently in air) with violent crime rates. Note that the x-axis is split with the violent crimes (red) coming 23 years later than the lead concentrations (blue).
- Note that it is “command and control” regulations from the government that ended leaded gasoline use. These are the kinds of regulations that Trump talks of ending because it encumbers business. Please read how NPR reports on the EPA is a victim of its own success.
- NPR:. What is the change Trump is making on the EPA? and What changes can we expect in the oil industry?
- California is considering outlawing gasoline garden equipment. Please read the article on NPR. Note the last two sentences: They bring up environmental justice, and finances.
During Class
- Big Exam! #2
After Class
- Do problem set #2