1) Groups of 2-4 students.
2) Project of your choice, but I can provide some questions. Last quarter is the first time we’ve done this, and it was very much at the last minute – they were almost all done in the last week of school. I think that we can start earlier and do a better job.
3) Produce video less than 5 minutes for class, and post it on the projects website, accessible on the PHYS 310 webpage.
4) I will post your video for the class to see, so when you send me the YouTube link, please also send me questions for Educanon, and state where those questions might be placed.
5) You will present your topic to the class for 1 minute and answer questions.
6) I’d like to receive a proposal for a video from each group by Friday of week 4. This will include a statement of when you anticipate sending me the link to the youtube video.
Grades: to receive an “A”, your project will do all of the following
1) Your group chooses a topic that connects energy transformation, environment, and society, but is unique from the lessons we study in class. You can
– pick one topic we studied and go more in depth,
– build something and show how it works or conduct an experiment
– report on something that draws on what we’ve learned
– analyze some societal practice, or community intervention
… If you’re not sure, please ask me.
2) You will adequately explain the connection between the energy technology, its environmental impact, and the societal response.
3) Your example will be factually correct, and relevant. As a counter example Falling out of an airplane was a video that was really well done, but didn’t have any relevant quantitative physics in it.
4) Your video will include at least one calculation of the caliber we practice in this class and is correct and relevant.
6) Your video audio and visuals will be of high enough quality to completely understand what you are conveying. For instance, the physics video onvariable moment of inertia yo-yo was a great experiment, but I couldn’t present it to students because of the poor quality.
6) You submit your link to me before Friday of week 8.
… If you can teach me something I wasn’t aware of before, I’ll be extra impressed!
To get a “B”, your video will achieve 5 of the above 6 goals
To get a “C”, your video will achieve 3 of the above 6 goals
Your final grade will be determined by the rubric set up on the syllabus website (accessible from the main website).