PSC320 W18 Wk4

Electricity and The Grid Back to PSC 320 Main Website

Monday’s Class : The Electrical Grid

Before Class

Here’s what I had on the PPT today: Big Exam! #3:

1) I use a 100 W motor for 20 minutes. How much electrical energy did I use? How much did it cost? How much CO2 is produced if the electricity was generated from burning coal? NGCC?

2) Difference between Cogen / Combined cycle.

3) What is AC? Why do we have AC? Why do we have transformers? How does a transformer work?

During Class
Hand in PS #3

After Class

Wednesday’s Class

Before Class

  1. Go to the “Today’s Outlook” and see the past and projected demand (consumption) of electricity in California.
  2. Consider what is the average electric power per California person.
  3. Check out today’s demand, and compare it to the “hour ahead” forecast and the “day ahead” forecast. Do they predict the demand pretty well? Why do you think this is important?
  4. Then click on “Supply” link and see what the different sources of electricity are.
  5. I posted (rudimentary) solutions to PS #3 on the main class website.
  6. What portion of our electricity is from wind, solar, and other sources? How about yesterday? Do you see a day coming when we will have excess renewable electricity? What time of day and time of year will this be? Is there a time when we will need to ramp up conventional facilities really quickly?
  • Take a look at these articles… you can read them briefly or intensely as you like, but certainly make sure you understand the California Duck Curve and what we are doing to mitigate the challenges to stabilize the grid with increasing renewable energy. Read The Duck Has Landed. Here’s a more recent article April 24, 2017… the Duck is Underwater! Consider the question, “what is the marginal electricity at 9 PM? in the middle of the day? Is it ever nuclear.
  • I updated solutions to PS#3 at 3:45 PM Wednesday.

During Class

  • Discuss all this stuff and prepare for Midterm.

After Class

  • Prepare

Friday: Activity Section: Midterm #1
Hey, check out the table I found with regard to our discussion of criteria pollutants in different fuels:Burning Emissions.png
Note that natural gas is way purer than coal and oil.

Friday: Peak Oil

Before Class

During Class

After Class