Heat Flow, and Heat Engines
Monday’s Class:
- We spoke about population Wednesday in class. I found this website about land surface area. You can see that India (with 4 times the USA population) has… well, please check it out.
- Happiness Emissions Decoupling
- Read about recent news in Global Happiness.
- US Human Energy Flows or US Energy Flows. Which one do you like better?
- This article by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) describes global CO2 emissions against different strategy scenarios. You may find it rather dry and technical… please have a look and carefully consider what’s happening in the two graphs.
- Please read how NYC and California have (so far unsuccessfully) tried to sue energy companies for climate change.
- Finish Problem Set #1 to be handed in Monday in class.
- Read the Energy Intro document I gave you in class.
- Please check out the group project page to see what project you are presently in. You can change your project if you can find someone to switch with you. I had a hard time meeting everyone’s requests. Additionally, I did the following:
- I dropped the two nuclear options: we wills study and discuss this as a class.
- I changed the GHANA project to a Tijuana project because of a recent opportunity
- I added a “tomato processing” option because of a request from an outside company
- Office Hours are posted on main class website.
- We will start our first self intervention: don’t throw anything away for a week. Collect everything you would throw “away” (and contemplate where “away” is). Then you will sort all the things you’ve saved, take a picture of it and figure out where each stack should go. You will journal your experience, and send me the picture and document in an Email in a word document. I’ll post it for you all to read (without your names attached) You can read about past classes here.
During Class
- Assessment #1
- Hand in PS #1
- Start First Self Intervention!
After Class
Wednesday’s Class
We study the Flow of Heat
Before Class
- Solutions to PS#1 are posted on the main class website.
- Continue documenting your self intervention. Did you forget? If you did… just start over!…. Actually, I forgot – to bring it up in class.
- Heat Flow: Please see this video (Heat Flow ) and follow with the slides (Heat Flow Slides)
- Finish problem set #1 (on main class website). See PS#2 posted on main class website.
- Check through PS #2 (on main class website).
- See the video of Calculating power of one student
- How about the power of one super athlete?
- Please see this video about Scaling
- NYTimes: Global Emissions up, USA emissions down (a little), Coal emissions down (a little).
- Here’s why in 6 graphs the USA emissions are down… well, really just one graph is necessary – we’re generating electricity with NG and not Coal. check it out.
- Please make sure that someone in your group, acting as the spokesperson, sends me a note allowing me to post their Email contact information. If no one is willing to do this, please send me an Email indicating that as well. Please spend an hour reading/learning/watching videos about your project.
- I posted the date for our final presentation and potluck under “exam week” on our main class website.
During Class
After Class
Friday’s Class
Before Class
- Continue 1st Self Intervention: Don’t Throw Anything Away for a week. Please collect and keep your refuse: garbage, recyclables, what’s left from takeout food, compost (you can separate the compost). After one week, please categorize everything as to where it will ideally go: compost, batteries and lightbulbs, plastic bags (go to super market special recycling), recyclable, and landfill. Take a picture and upload it to your computer. You can post it along with your narrative of what the process was like for you at the self intervention website (link on main class website).
- Heat Engines Video and Slides
- Smarter Every Day Internal Combustion Engines amazing slow motion coverage of a transparent ICE (internal combustion engine).
- See this video of Jet Engines for Rocket Scientists.
- please check out the website: Animated Engines that relates to the problem set due Monday. Check out the different cycles. Make sure that you can slow the cycles way way way way down (slider bar underneath the animation), so that you can identify where the compression is (where work is put into the fluid) and where it expands (does work for us). Why do we get more work out than we put in?
- Before our activity (at noon or 2:00), please see this video about how I calculated my power output, and remember the two videos you saw earlier about calculating power output.
- Read through PS#2, posted on main class website.
During Class
- Assessment #2
- Feedback
After Class:
Friday’s Activity: Heat Engines and Personal Power
Before our activity, please see this video about how I calculated my power output, and remember the two videos you saw earlier about calculating power output.
See how Heat Engines Work, Calculate your personal Power. Work on your group project.
Next Monday’s Class… I mean Tuesday’s Class: Combustion and Efficiency
Before Class
- Self Intervention. Please Email me your self intervention document as soon as you have finished your week:
- A picture of your garbage for the week separated into separate categories outlining what is the best you can do with each category.
- A brief narrative of your experience.
- What is your takeaway? What did you learn?
- Let me know if you don’t want your name on it.
- Solutions for BE#1 and PS#1 are posted on main class website.
- Hans Rosling: Poverty Statistics video
- Combustion with Slides (from Heat Engines Video)
- There used to be large concentrations of lead in the atmosphere because it was an additive to gasoline. Please take a look at this article in the BBC connecting lead in fuel (and subsequently in air) with violent crime rates – Make Sure you look at and consider the graph. Note that the x-axis is split with the violent crimes (red) coming 23 years later than the lead concentrations (blue). Why do we care about this now? Well, please have a look at this contemporary article. Should the present administration relax mercury emissions regulations as well as carbon emissions regulations for coal burning facilities.
- Note that it is “command and control” regulations from the government that ended leaded gasoline use. These are the kinds of regulations that Trump talks of ending because it encumbers business. Please read how NPR reports on the EPA is a victim of its own success.
- California is considering outlawing gasoline garden equipment. Please read the article on NPR. Note the last two sentences: They bring up environmental justice, and finances.
- Finish PS#2 on main class website.
During Class
- Discuss, hand in PS#2
After Class