Monday: Celebrate Equality, Inclusivity and Acceptance! Campus Holiday for Martin Luther King
Tuesday’s Class (Monday’s Class Schedule):
Before Class
- Self Intervention. Please Email me your self intervention document as soon as you have finished your week:
- A picture of your garbage for the week separated into separate categories outlining what is the best you can do with each category.
- A brief narrative of your experience.
- What is your takeaway? What did you learn?
- Let me know if you don’t want your name on it.
- Hans Rosling: Poverty Statistics video
- Combustion with Slides (from Heat Engines Video)
- There used to be large concentrations of lead in the atmosphere because it was an additive to gasoline. Please take a look at this article in the BBC connecting lead in fuel (and subsequently in air) with violent crime rates – Make Sure you look at and consider the graph. Note that the x-axis is split with the violent crimes (red) coming 23 years later than the lead concentrations (blue). Why do we care about this now? Well, please have a look at this contemporary article. Should the present administration relax mercury emissions regulations as well as carbon emissions regulations for coal burning facilities.
- Note that it is “command and control” regulations from the government that ended leaded gasoline use. These are the kinds of regulations that Trump talks of ending because it encumbers business. Please read how NPR reports on the EPA is a victim of its own success.
- California is considering outlawing gasoline garden equipment. Please read the article on NPR. Note the last two sentences: They bring up environmental justice, and finances.
- Finish PS#2 on main class website.
During Class
- Discuss, hand in PS#2
After Class
Before Class
- I posted solutions to PS#2 on the main class website. Please check them out.
- Please make a USA wealth graph where the x-axis is each person in the USA ordered from poorest to richest, and the y-axis is how much money they have. That is if everyone had $300,000 (USA total wealth of $100 Trillion divided by 325 million people), it would look like the one on the left, and if each person had $0.2 cents more than the person before, it would look like the one on the right with the poorest person having nothing and the richest person having $600,000. Please make two graphs: graph what you think the USA really looks like, and make a graph of how you think the USA would ideally look.
- Only after you’ve done the above, please see Moyers: USA wealth gap
- Please watch Conversion Efficiency with Slides (from Heat Engines Video)
- Look up and read about cogeneration. What does it mean?
- Please watch Carbon Intensity, and Carbon Intensity Slides.
- Please have a look at this article about China’s decreasing carbon intensity to get a feel about how we use these terms… and see what China is doing.
- If you haven’t sent it to me already, please send me your self intervention.
- Watch this assigned video about how people learn.
- Please make sure that you find a way to learn the difference between power and energy. And please learn how the different engines work. You might go back to the website: Animated Engines and check out the different cycles. Make sure that you can slow the cycles way way way way down (slider bar underneath the animation), so that you can identify where the compression is (where work is put into the fluid) and where it expands (does work for us). Why do we get more work out than we put in? Be prepared to draw a heat engine and explain how it works.
- I posted PS #3. Please check it out and do what you can on it.
During Class:
After Class
Friday: Activity: Please prepare: electricity generation, get power meters (future)
Before Class
- I posted solutions to PS#2 on the main class website. Please check them out.
- Do PS#3, at least read through it.
- See Electricity Generation , and Electricity Slides
- Please watch Electrical Transmission, and Transmission Slides
- NPR on Coal and Nuclear. Important article about leveling grid!
- Please read this NYTimes article with GREAT graphics on how each state is changing the mix of electricity generating technologies.
- Please read this article about the costs of treating coal miners with black lung. Consider the question: Is coal power cheap? What are some of the “external costs” or “externalities” (expect test questions on this)? How does society pay these external costs? How do you think society should pay these costs? Trump has moved to repeal regulations on corporations, as promised. How does this story highlight this repealing of regulations?
- Consider if you’d like to come to the EWB Showcase Friday 4-6:30 (with food provided) at the ATL (Bld. 7). I will be leading an activity exploring development models (what we make of the fact that globally people have extremely different access to re$ource$), and our research group will be there with our ISEC cooking technology. More information at ClubShowcase2020
During Class
- Assessment #3
During Activity
- We will look at electricity generation hardware and transformers
- Please review your power calculations from last week. Do you understand the mathematical relationship between power and energy?
Friday: Please think about projects