- Please see video: TransportationA and Slide and
- Please see: TransportationB and slides
- Please read about California’s Intention to Maintain Leadership in Clean Transportation, and Conflicts with the National Government
- Take a look at the Renewable Energy Global Status Report Maybe you want to actually read this 250 page exciting document thoroughly. However, you may also just want to take a brief look at the sections and graphs and decide where and when you might like to read more some other time.
- Here’s a great article about a new regulation in European cities. Please read it and come to class ready to discuss the following questions:
- Banning Diesel is a command and control regulatory mechanism. Are they also trying market mechanisms?
- What about the timing in your opinion is good? What is bad? – where do you see this leading?
- Do you recognize any EJ (Environmental Justice) issues arising?
- Please read a story about a WHO report of 1.7 million children deaths due to environmental causes. Please at least read the the first and the last two paragraphs.
- Optional: read this article about recycling car batteries published April 2017 by the American Physical Society.
- Please see LCA and Biofuels and Slides
- Please see video: Solar PV , and slides
- Please read our PV research webpage. Please understand the cost/price trends and implications for continuation into the future. You don’t need to click on each project, but you’re welcome to.
- Read that Forbes claims that Trump’s new policies will have little effect on wind and solar.
- Along with Trump’s new policies, you should probably read about the US pulling out of the Paris Agreement. Pick your publication.
- Two interesting articles in NPR
- Nuclear is struggling because of high cost – but it would thrive if it had “green” status for renewable portfolio standards (RPS). Should nuclear count as part of the “carbon-free” renewable energy?
- Tesla solar roofs are coming to California. How might this solar electricity and storage change the game?